Jessica Chastain loves durian!

American actress Jessica Chastain loves durian! 

 Not only she loves it, she appears to be on a mission of introducing the King of Fruit to the whole wide world. Bless her beautiful soul! For durian is not only the King of fruit, it is the King of superfood, packed with fiber, protein, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, beneficial fats and a potent aphrodisiac to boot.

In 2016, Jessica Chastain brought a durian to a Jimmy Kimmel Live talk show, fully prepared with rubber gloves and knives, and proceeded to introduce to the American audience the shape, smell, and taste of durian. On the show, she proclaimed her love for durian. She called durian as 'the blue cheese of fruit" and further explained the taste as "like onion and garlic and avocado and pineapple, kind of like, in a custard."

Wow, you must have thought that's probably the most confusing description of a fruit. Wait till you heard her said "It kind of smells like a garbage can right?" and then proceeded to eat some with great relish much to the bewilderment of those in presence.

Unfortunately, Jimmy Kimmel didn't seem to share Chastain enthusiasm on durian. After sort of been force-fed a morsel by Chastain, he said "It's on the line between horrible and delicious" and "I feel like throwing up a little bit right now... I think I ate too much of it though."

The actress was introduced to durian about a decade ago while she was filming in Thailand. According to her, she makes it a point to have some every time she comes to Southeast Asia. She even posted a picture of her enjoying her favorite fruit on Instagram.

Durian is the native plant of Southeast Asia, originally grows wild in hilly slopes in Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, and Philippine but has since widely cultivated in these countries. There are well over a thousand cultivar of durians of different shapes, sizes, colors, smell, and taste.Jessica Chastain loves durian!

#jessicachastain #durian #kingoffruits #exoticfruits


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